Demande de Démo

Strong experienced profiles hired for our newly established French subsidiary

With the hiring of our new country manager and application specialist we have passed another important milestone in relation to the French organisation.

Shortly after the establishment of Q-Interline SARL our two first French employees have now signed a contract. We have hired two experienced profiles, who already know each other and who know the market and industry well. Our two new colleagues look forward to establishing our new office in France, growing our customer portfolio, and ensuring a close collaboration with Q-Interline’s existing customers in France.

Q-Interline’s new country manager for France comes from a similar position at an international manufacturer of analytical equipment, where he has been for more than 10 years. He starts at Q-Interline September 1st and will be responsible for Q-Interline SARL.

Our new French application- and support specialist, Emmanuelle Certenais, starts already next week on 7 June. Emmanuelle will be main responsible for support to existing and new customers in France. She has 9 years of experience working with near infrared analysis technology (NIR), as former head of laboratory at Valorex SAS. Combined with her NIR experience, Emmanuelle knows the industry, the French market, and our new country manager, and she lives in Bretagne where we plan to locate our new office. This all makes her a strong candidate for the job.

”We see it as an advantage that our two new French colleagues already know each other as they will be working closely together to grow our position in the French market. Our new country manager has already met the rest of the team in Denmark and Germany before signing his contract. His decision to work at Q-Interline is based on our agility, engagement, technical lead, and the strong company culture”, says CEO Martin Roithner Henriksen and continues “a crucial factor for success is to set the right team. This we have now ensured with these two profiles.”

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